Immodesty in our society is on its peak.
Enmeshing our conscience like a lifeless teak.
Despite having enlightened people in societies on various positions
But our inner conscience has turned very weak.
No one is ready to stop its prevalence
So that our disturbed society may get convalescence.
Societies are still lingering in an egregious menace
All we need is to clear its presence.
Our benumbed hearts are getting harder day by day
The evils which are getting stronger day after day.
Thinking impudence in public domain as a common approach
Is verily leading to an untold annihilation, despite having a coach.
Being impudent in our behaviour,
Is undoubtedly heralding subversion for coming days.
Let’s call to everyone to douse the flames very soon
Or time isn’t far away when our fate is doom.
Oh, God! Get our faith resuscitated once again with your mercy,
So we may get rid of the brazen evils in our society.