52 sheep, 8 horses, 5 cows die due to cloudburst in Budgam forests

The Kashmir Pulse
2 min readJun 22, 2022


SRINAGAR — At least 52 sheep, eight horses and five cows have died due to cloud bursts and inclement weather in the upper forest areas in central Kashmir’s Budgam district, officials said.

District Sheep officer Budgam, Dr Ashraf said that as per initial details in Dishkhall, Durian, Lathermand, Ayud, Koreg, and other upper reaches of Budgam district, at least 52 sheep have died in the last two days due to cloudburst and inclement weather.

“The death toll may increase with time as the areas have no mobile accessibility, while these nomad families are grazing the animals,” he said, adding that a massive rescue operation is underway in the areas.

“Our teams are on job at all the places and are involved in rescue and necessary things,” he said over the phone.

The officer has appealed to all the shepherds who are grazing their cattle in the upper reaches of Budgam that keeping the weather circumstances under consideration, they should come to plain areas till the weather improves.

Sources said that eight horses and five cows have also died in the upper reaches of the district. However, the official confirmation was awaited as the phone of the District Animal Husbandry Officer was switched off.



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